Are you wondering if you’re really pregnant? The shock of a potential unexpected pregnancy can be overwhelming. You are not alone as you seek clarity about your pregnancy.

Early pregnancy symptoms can include fatigue, mood swings, or food aversions. Keep reading to learn about more potential early pregnancy symptoms to look out for.

Early Pregnancy Symptoms

The Mayo Clinic shares common symptoms that may point to early pregnancy. You may experience some of these early pregnancy symptoms:

A Missed Period

Most women notice a missed period as the first sign. If your monthly cycle is normally irregular, you may expect a missed or late period.

If irregular periods are not typical for you, you may be pregnant if you are a week or more past your regular period cycle date.

Tender, Swollen Breasts

Tender, swollen breasts are a common sign that you’re pregnant. Breast tenderness and swelling occur as your body seeks to adjust to the pregnancy hormones. After your body has had time to adjust, tenderness should leave or lessen.

Nausea (with or without vomiting)

Are you suddenly vomiting or experiencing nausea? This pregnancy symptom can be quite an inconvenience, especially if you’re out in public. Known as morning sickness, these could be signs of early pregnancy.

Increased Urination

You may have been taking many trips to the bathroom lately. Pregnancy increases the blood in your body, which means your kidneys are processing more fluid than usual, causing increased urination.

What’s Next for Me?

Whether you are still unsure about your pregnancy, we can help. We offer free self-administered pregnancy tests so you can be sure. We can help you understand the results and offer information about your pregnancy options.

Schdule a free appointment today to get the necessary answers to move forward. You are not alone.